Rules for the Event
General rules:
– Age Groups eligible to participate are Alpha (4 years – 7 years), Beta (8 years – 11 years), Gamma (12 years -15 years) and Teens (16 years -18 years)
– Registrations will start from 04/10/2021 and ends on 15/10/2021 extended till 08/11/2021
– Only Christian devotional songs are allowed.
– Children can start sending their videos from Oct 16, 2021 to Nov 8, 2021. No videos shall be accepted prior or after the said date..
– Singing competition shall be held separately for Boys and Girls according to the age groups..
– Childrens are requested to send their videos to kidoosfest through WHATSAPP ONLY to the number +91 9493940515 .
– Childrens are supposed to mention the registration id while sending the videos.
-Videos once sent will be considered as final. It will be uploaded to the Facebook page of Kidoos Fest on the next day.
– Kidoos Fest will send the Facebook link of the video to the participant and he/she is requested to use the same link for promoting their video
– Likes and Shares seen on the FB page of Kidoos Fest only will be taken into consideration.
– Final submission of videos – 08/11/2021
– Likes and shares till – 12/11/2021 will be considered for evaluation
Event rules:
– Solo song is only permitted
– Time limit – 3min
– Language of song – Telugu, Hindi, English, Malayalam
– No pause/ break in between the song.
– No instruments/ Karaoke is to be used.
– No editing is allowed (Sound/ Video). Avoid using beauty cam, Filters etc for video.
– For clear audio, connect your headset to your mobile and then record it.
– Videos will be evaluated by our judging panel and it remains confidential.
– After declaration of result, no revaluation will be done, as evaluation done by judges will be considered as final Likes and shares till – 12/11/2021 will be considered for evaluation
Total marks: 15. Pattern of marks division is as follows:
Intro Marks
Meaning / Subject of the song
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